IEEE std C37.20.6-2015 pdf download – IEEE Standard for 4.76 kV to 38 kV Rated Ground and Test Devices Used in Enclosures

02-26-2022 comment

IEEE std C37.20.6-2015 pdf download – IEEE Standard for 4.76 kV to 38 kV Rated Ground and Test Devices Used in Enclosures.
3. Definitions For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. The IEEE Standards Dictionary Online should be consulted for terms not defined in this clause. 6 complex electrical ground and test device: A device with two terminal sets and a manually operated terminal selector switch for connecting either terminal set to the device ground connection system through a power-operated ground-making switch, complete with necessary isolation barriers and suitable interlocking. Test ports may be provided. These devices may, but are not required to, have interrupting capability. complex manual ground and test device: A device with one or two terminal sets, and a manually operated switch, complete with necessary isolation barriers and suitable interlocking. In the case of a device with one terminal set, the switch allows connection of the terminal set to the device ground connection system or disconnection of the terminal set from the device ground connection system. In the case of a device with two terminal sets, the switch allows selection of which terminal set to connect to the device ground connection system. In either case, the switch is not required to have any continuous or fault-making current ratings. design tests: Tests made by the manufacturer to determine the adequacy of the design of a particular type, style, or model of equipment or its component parts to meet its assigned ratings and to operate satisfactorily under normal service conditions or under special conditions if specified; and may be used to demonstrate compliance with applicable standards of the industry. Syn: type tests.
ground and test (G&T) device: A term applied to a switchgear assembly accessory device that can be inserted in place of a drawout circuit breaker for the purpose of grounding the main bus and/or external circuits connected to the switchgear assembly and/or primary circuit testing. production tests: Tests made for quality control by the manufacturer on every device or representative samples, or on parts or materials as required to verify during production that the product meets the design specifications and applicable standards. Syn: routine tests. simple electrical ground and test device: A device with one terminal set and a power-operated ground- making switch for connecting the terminal set to the device ground connection system, complete with necessary isolation barriers and suitable interlocking. Test ports may be provided. These devices may, but are not required to, have interrupting capability. A second terminal set may be included for connection to test ports. simple manual ground and test device: A device with one or two terminal sets with provisions for connecting either terminal set through manually installed cables, bus or other conductors to the device ground connection system, complete with necessary isolation barriers and suitable interlocking. Note that as used in this document, “cables” includes manually installed flexible conductors of any type. terminal set: A set of three primary terminals with primary disconnecting devices typically called “upper” or “lower,” “front” or “back,” or “bus” or “line” depending upon design configuration. Note that in this standard, the terms “upper” and “lower” are used to identify the location of different terminal sets. test port: A design element that provides a means for use of test probes, such as for testing for the presence of voltage, testing phasing, applying withstand test voltages, or performing low current tests.

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