IEEE Std 2700-2017 pdf download – IEEE Standard for Sensor Performance Parameter Definitions

02-26-2022 comment

IEEE Std 2700-2017 pdf download – IEEE Standard for Sensor Performance Parameter Definitions.
3. Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations 3.1 Definitions For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. The IEEE Standards Dictionary Online should be consulted for terms not defined in this clause. 6 after mechanical shock: Sensor performance after a representative population is exposed to sensor vendor’s best known method for helping ensure 10 000 g mechanical shock survivability. NOTE—g refers to the average acceleration produced by gravity at the Earth’s surface (sea level), g n = 9.08865 m/s 2 . 7 after printed circuit board (PCB) assembly (place and reflow): Sensor performance after a representative population is exposed to MSL3 preconditioning (PC3). (adapted from IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020D.1 and AEC-Q100-Rev-G) command ready: The state in which the device is able to receive/send digital communications. disabled state: The state in which the device is powered and able to receive/send digital communications but is not actively sensing. fast ready: The state in which the device, typically a gyroscope, is mechanically driven but not outputting sensor data. implementation: A realization of the standardized sensor performance parameter definitions in a device product specification. mean: Also known as arithmetic mean; refers to the mathematical sum of all measurements in the population divided by the size of the population.
6. Interpretation guideline Given that the intent of this standard is not to push unwarranted burden onto the industry, proper perspective should be considered when reviewing the proposed definitions. Upon review, it can be surmised that some parameters, when specified under all conditions, are excessive and burdensome. Therefore, it should be understood that the ultimate intent is to thoroughly comprehend only strong dependencies that key parameters may have on said conditions. For example, when specifying current consumption, it is important to thoroughly specify Idd for all conditions that show strong dependency. Therefore, if Idd does not vary by more than a vendor-specified percentage over the specified temperature range, then the Idd versus temperature parameter does not need to be specified. However, if there is a strong dependency, then the relationship should be appropriately specified, perhaps by providing an Idd versus temperature slope.

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