IEEE Std 1484.13.5-2013 pdf download – IEEE Recommended Practice for Learning Technology— IETF RFC 4287—Atom Syndication Format—Mapping to the Conceptual Model for Resource Aggregation

02-24-2022 comment

IEEE Std 1484.13.5-2013 pdf download – IEEE Recommended Practice for Learning Technology— IETF RFC 4287—Atom Syndication Format—Mapping to the Conceptual Model for Resource Aggregation.
3. Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations 3.1 Definitions For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. The IEEE Standards Dictionary Online should be consulted for terms not defined in this clause. 7 Most definitions are taken from IEEE Std 1484.13.1-2012. aggregation definition document: A document that lists and structures the digital resources of an aggregation. See also: digital resource; resource aggregation. NOTE—Examples: the manifest document in IMS Content Packaging (IMS CP) [B5] 8 , the mets document in the Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard (METS) [B1] [B2], and the Digital Item Declaration Language (DIDL) document in MPEG–21 Digital Item Declaration (DID) (ISO/IEC 21000–2:2005 [B8]). 9 aggregation format: A documented method of aggregating digital resources into a complex object that can be exchanged among systems. An aggregation format may be defined by a formal specification or standard, but may also be informal. The defining characteristic is that an aggregation format specifies how to combine digital resources into a structured whole, without prescribing the kinds of digital resources, their internal structures, or their intended uses. See also: digital resource.
aggregation instance: An instantiation of an aggregation definition document that includes all data necessary to construct a complex object including any references to external data. Multiple aggregation instances, each of which conforms to a different aggregation format, may exist for the same complex object. See also: aggregation definition document; aggregation format. binding: The process that binds a model to a data structure. For example, it can refer to the binding of a conceptual model to the Web Ontology Language (OWL) [B11] ontology language. class: A category of items that share one or more common characteristics. Characteristics can be described informally in a scope note or formally as properties explicitly formulated in logical terms. A class cannot be defined by enumerating its instances because it is generally impossible to know all instances of a class in the world, and the future can bring new instances into being at any time. See also: class instance; scope note. class instance: An instantiation of a class. A class instance has properties that meet the criteria of the intention of the class. The number of instances of a given class declared in an information system is usually less than the total number of instances in the real world. For example, although an individual is an instance of “person,” the individual may not be mentioned in all information systems describing “persons.” See also: class; intention; property. component: Any data attribute or data element as described by the data model of an aggregation format. See also: data attribute; data element; aggregation format.

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