IEC 61800-1:2021 pdf download – Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems – Part 1: General requirements – Rating specifications for low voltage adjustable speed DC power drive systems

03-02-2022 comment

IEC 61800-1:2021 pdf download – Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems – Part 1: General requirements – Rating specifications for low voltage adjustable speed DC power drive systems.
1 Scope This part of IEC 61 800 applies to adjustable speed electric DC power drive systems, which include semiconductor power conversion and the means for their control, protection, monitoring, measurement and the DC motors. It applies to adjustable speed electric power drive systems intended to feed DC motors from a BDM/CDM connected to line-to-line voltages up to and including 1 kV AC 50 Hz or 60 Hz and/or voltages up to and including 1 ,5 kV DC input side. NOTE 1 Adjustable speed electric AC power drive systems intended to feed AC motors are covered by IEC 61 800-2. NOTE 2 This document can be used as a reference for adjustable speed electric power drive systems, intended to feed DC motors from a BDM/CDM connected to line-to-line voltages up to and including 1 ,5 kV AC, 50 Hz or 60 Hz and/or voltages up to and including 2,25 kV DC input side. Traction applications and electric vehicles are excluded from the scope of this document. This document is intended to define the following aspects of a DC power drive system (PDS): • principal parts of the PDS; • ratings and performance; • specifications for the environment in which the PDS is intended to be installed and operated; • other specifications which might be applicable when specifying a complete PDS. This document provides minimum requirements, which may be used for the development of a specification between customer and manufacturer. Compliance with this document is possible only when each topic of this document is individually specified by the customer developing specifications or by product standard committees developing product standards. For some aspects which are covered by specific PDS product standards in the IEC 61 800 series, this document provides a short introduction and reference to detailed requirements in these product standards.
3.8.5 special test test in addition to type test and routine test, made either at the discretion of the manufacturer or according to an agreement between the manufacturer and the customer or customer representative 3.8.6 type test test of one or more devices made to a certain design to show that the design meets certain specifications [SOURCE: IEC 60050-41 1 :1 996, 41 1 -53-01 , modified – The word “machines” has been replaced by “devices”.] 3.8.7 witness test test performed in the presence of the customer or the representative of the customer 4 Ratings and specifications for the act of installing, commissioning and operation 4.1 General Subclauses 4.3 to 4.1 3 provide a list of requirements relevant for the specification of a BDM/CDM/PDS. More severe requirements might be specified if considered relevant for the considered application. A BDM/CDM/PDS is typically used for a specific application in a specific environment under specific conditions, in which the product has to operate, be transported or stored. These conditions include, but are not limited to, the electrical, electro-magnetic, mechanical, thermal, and chemical environment as well as requirements on the functionality, general safety and functional safety. These conditions are known by the customer or product standard committees using this document as a reference document and will need to be specified. The manufacturer of the BDM/CDM/PDS shall specify which requirements of this document apply to its equipment. In order to ensure consistency and avoid conflicting requirements across IEC 61 800 (all parts), some of the subclauses in 4.3 to 4.1 3 refer directly to other parts of the IEC 61 800 series. NOTE A visual inspection can be done as a part of the production to ensure the assembly and installing process. 4.2 BDM/CDM/PDS characteristics and topology 4.2.1 General Subclauses 4.2.2 and 4.2.3 are intended to be informative regarding common characteristics and topology for DC PDS’s. 2 DC/DC converter with four quadrants  This is the most commonly used topology. In the topology of “4 Quadrants” in Figure 6, the converter can operate in four quadrants.

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