IEC 61701:2020 pdf download – Photovoltaic (PV) modules – Salt mist corrosion testing

03-02-2022 comment

IEC 61701:2020 pdf download – Photovoltaic (PV) modules – Salt mist corrosion testing.
6 Test sequence General 6.1 Refer to Figure 1 for the complete test sequence for non-concentrator PV modules and Figure 2 for concentrator photovoltaic (CPV) modules. 6.2 Stabilization All test samples shall undergo electrical stabilization procedures according to MQT 19 in IEC 61215-2 and any technology specific requirements in the IEC 61215-1-x series. 6.3 Initial and final measurements of non-concentrator modules For non-concentrator modules, perform the following tests plus any technology specific modifications described in the 61215-1-x series. The reference MQT (Module Qualification Test) and MST (Module Safety Test) numbers correspond to the identification in the relevant document IEC 61215-2 and IEC 61730-2, respectively. a) MQT 01: Visual inspection b) MQT 19: Stabilization c) MQT 02: Maximum power determination d) MQT 03: Insulation test e) MST 17: Wet leakage current test f) MST 13: Continuity test of equipotential bonding
6.7 Measurements after salt mist After the salt mist test, cleaning, and recovery the test samples shall be re-tested according to 6.3 for non-concentrator modules or 6.4 for CPV modules. 6.8 Bypass diode test Purpose 6.8.1 This test is performed following the salt mist exposure only if the module includes bypass or blocking diodes. Its purpose is to verify that the bypass or blocking diode(s) of the test samples remains functional. 6.8.2 Procedure Perform the test according to MQT 18.1 of IEC 61215-2 except omitting the application of heat to the specimen. For any technology specific requirements refer to the appropriate 61215-1-x series document. The modified test steps are as follows: a) Electrically short any blocking diodes incorporated to the test sample. Some modules have overlapping bypass diode circuits. In this case it may be necessary to install a jumper cable to ensure that all of the current is flowing through one bypass diode. b) Determine the rated STC short-circuit current of the test sample from its label or data sheet. c) Connect the DC power source’s positive output to the test sample negative lead, and the DC power source’s negative output to the test sample positive lead by using wires of the manufacturer’s minimum recommended wire gauge. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for wire entry into the wiring compartment. With this configuration the current shall pass through the cells in the reverse direction and through the diode(s) in the forward direction. Apply a current equal to of 1,25 times (± 5 %) the STC short-circuit current of the test sample for a period of 1 h.
6.8.3 Requirements After the 1 h of current flow check that the bypass diode(s) remains operational according to MQT 18.2 of IEC 61215-2. 7 Requirements General 7.1 The two PV samples that undergo the testing sequences included in Figure 1 or Figure 2 shall exhibit no mechanical deterioration or corrosion of module components which would significantly impair their function during their intended life. 7.2 Non-concentrator PV modules All pass fail criteria corresponding to tests MQT 01, MQT 02, MQT 03, MST 17, MST 13 and MQT 18.2 shall be fulfilled according to what is specified in IEC 61215-1, IEC 61215-2, and IEC 61730-2 for these specific tests, taking into account any technology specific requirements or modifications in the IEC 61215-1-x series.
7.3 Concentrator photovoltaic (CPV) modules 7.3.1 No significant amount of water should remain inside the test sample after the salt mist test (the depth of the remaining water should not reach any electrically active parts in any possible position). 7.3.2 After the salt mist test the relative power degradation shall not exceed 7 % if the I-V measurement is under outdoor natural sunlight, or 5 % if the I-V measurement is under solar simulator. 7.3.3 All pass fail criteria corresponding to tests in IEC 62108 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4 and 10.5 shall be fulfilled according to what is specified for these specific tests. 7.3.4 The bypass diode requirements of 6.8 shall be met.

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