BS ISO 18537:2015 pdf download – Traceability of crustacean products — Specifications on the information to be recorded in captured crustacean distribution chains

02-21-2022 comment

BS ISO 18537:2015 pdf download – Traceability of crustacean products — Specifications on the information to be recorded in captured crustacean distribution chains.
5 Principle The fundamental principle of chain traceability is that trade units (TU) shall be identified by unique codes (UI). This code may be globally unique in itself (for instance, the GS1 SGTIN or EPC numbers) or it could be unique in that particular scope only, which means that it should be no other TUs in that part of the chain that may have the same number. If the scope (the product type, the company, the chain, the sector, the country, or similar) is assigned a globally unique number, the combination of the globally unique scope number and the locally unique TU number shall constitute a globally unique identifier for the TU. NOTE 1 The UTUI term is introduced to indicate a TU identifier which is, or might be, made globally unique. Trade Units (TUs) may be grouped together to make Logistic Units (LUs) or LUs may be grouped together to make higher level LUs. A fundamental principle of chain traceability is that logistic units shall be identified by a unique code. This code shall be a national code which may be globally unique in itself (similar to the GS1 SSCC code) or it could be unique in that particular scope only, which means that there should be no other LUs in that part of the chain that may have the same number. If the scope (the product type, the company, the chain, the sector, the country) is assigned a globally unique number, the combination of the globally unique scope number and the locally unique LU number shall constitute a globally unique identifier for the LU. NOTE 2 The ULUI term is introduced to indicate a LU identifier which is, or might be, made globally unique. The key to the operation of this traceability scheme is the labelling of each unit of goods traded, whether of raw materials or finished products, with a unique ID. This shall be done by the food business that creates each unit. Businesses that transform units, such as processors who convert the units of raw materials received into the products dispatched, shall create new units and shall give them new IDs.

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