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Advanced Laparoscopic Gastrointestinal Surgery.pdf
The advent of minimal access technology over two decades ago has spurred a rapid expansion within the realms of diagnostic and therapeutic surgery. The ongoing fusion of scientific advancements with technological innovations has propelled its extensive integration...

Liver Transplantation: ECAB Clinical Update Surgical Gastroenterology.pdf
"Liver Transplantation: ECAB Clinical Update Surgical Gastroenterology" is authored by Manjit Singh Bains, a prominent figure in the field of surgical gastroenterology and liver transplantation. This book serves as an essential resource for understanding the latest advancements and...

Cancer of the Esophagus.pdf
Among the myriad of malignant lesions affecting the gastrointestinal tract, esophageal cancer stands out as one of the most challenging to manage. Despite its relatively characteristic clinical presentation, which often involves elderly patients experiencing dysphagia, the subsequent...