$100M Offers: How To Make Offers So Good People Feel Stupid Saying No.pdf

01-25-2025 comment

This book will walk you through the following strategies and techniques:

How to Charge Much More Than You Currently Do:
a. The “Tiny Market Big Money” process we use to effectively target niche markets that are abundant with opportunities.
b. The “Unfair” Pricing formula that enabled us to multiply our prices by ten while gaining more approvals.
c. The Value Flip technique to guarantee you’re never compared on price again (that’s a promise).
d. The Virtuous Cycle of Pricing that allows you to sustainably outspend your competitors while using your product to attract top talent.

How to Develop Such an Outstanding Product That Prospects Will Find Ways to Afford It:
a. The Unbeatable Value Equation that ensures your offerings are perceived as more valuable than anything prospects have encountered before.
b. The Delivery Cube strategy to minimize the costs of delivering your products and services while enhancing their perceived value.
c. The Trim & Stack Hack, a confidential method (never disclosed publicly) that helped us achieve $28 million in revenue by the age of 28, utilizing the most effective delivery techniques.

How to Refine Your Offer So That Prospects Buy Instantly:
a. The Scarcity Stack method to seamlessly incorporate three types of scarcity into every offer without dishonesty, encouraging immediate purchases.
b. The “Everyday” Urgency Blueprint to create authentic, ethical time pressure that motivates prospects to buy right away, drawing on everyday life situations.
c. Unbeatable Bonuses that eliminate any hesitation prospects might have, prompting them to reach for their credit cards before you finish speaking.
d. God-mode Guarantees so persuasive that even the most reluctant buyers will agree. I will show you how to combine all four types of guarantees and provide you with my 13 favorite guarantees, word-for-word, for your use.
e. The Magic Naming Formula to achieve the highest response and conversion rates in all your efforts to attract new clients and much more.

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